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Senior Warden

Brother Grasford W. Smith, 33°

C H A R T E R  M E M B E R S :

Brother W. M. Stevenson, 33°JD       Worshipful Master           

Brother G. W. Smith, 33°JD               Senior Warden                 

Brother A. Bottorff                             Junior Warden                  

Brother A. Fields                                Secretary                            

Brother Dr. G.L. Lockhart, 33°          Treasurer                           

Brother P. Glover                                Senior Deacon                 

Brother A. Lockhart, Jr.                     Junior Deacon                    

Brother D. Swiney                             Senior Steward                

Brother J. Baker                                Junior Steward                

Brother TBA                                        Marshall                               

Brother T.J. Redmon-Bey                  Tyler                                

Brother Rev. G. Kisner, JD                 Chaplain    

                                                    HISTORY OF THIS LODGE


In the Fall of 2021, Brother Grasford W. Smith, Esq., 33°, and Brother Alan Bottorff discuss the concept of opening a new lodge in the Wellington/Royal Palm Beach area.  Brother Smith subsequently spoke with Brother W. Matthew Stevenson, Judge (Ret.) 33°, a resident of Royal Palm Beach,  who (earlier) mentioned the concept of starting a lodge in the western part of Palm Beach County.  Brother Stevenson suggested naming the lodge after Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall, 33°, to recognize the achievements of the first African American Justice on the United States Supreme Court.  Brothers Stevenson, Smith, and Bottorff all understood the potential to grow masonry, with quality brothers, in that geographical area and the monumental task ahead.  


Dialogue between Brother Smith and Brother Stevenson initiated Brother Smith to pitch the concept initially to The Honorable Jeffrey G. Jones, the 19th Most Worshipful Grand Master of Florida.  This led to further discussion between officers of the Grand Lodge and Brothers Smith and Stevenson.  Brothers Smith and Stevenson seek additional guidance from Past Masters: Dr. E. J. Parker, 33°, and Dr. George L. Lockhart, 33°, due to their significant experience with starting another lodge in Zone 3, District 31.

Brother Bottorff initially surveyed the area to locate a home for the lodge in the Wellington/Royal Palm Beach area. Later, Past Master Lockhart assumed the  task of locating a lodge resulting in the lodge’s first home at Somerset Academy School of the Arts in beautiful Wellington, Florida. 


At the lodge's first meeting, the craft named its primary officers. They bestowed the honor of naming the inaugural Worshipful Master of the lodge to Bro. W. Matthew Stevenson, based upon his years in masonry and widespread respect among the craft throughout the jurisdiction. Senior Warden to Brother Grasford Smith, Junior Warden to Brother Alan Bottorff, Treasurer to PM Dr. George L. Lockhart, and Secretary to Brother Alfred Fields. Past Master status was given to PM Tijan Redmon-Bey.

On December 8, 2021, the MWUGL of Florida grant these pioneers the permission to initiate a lodge Under Dispensation (UD)  in the Wellington/Royal Palm Beach area and to identify suitable charter members for the lodge.  The lodge's name is THURGOOD MARSHALL MASONIC LODGE  #121 (UD).

On October 1, 2022, the MWUGL of Florida under The Honorable Jeffrey G. Jones 33°, the 19th Most Worshipful Grand Master; Right Worshipful Gus Harris, Jr. 33°, Deputy Grand Master; Right Worshipful Kendall Moore, 33°, Senior Grand Warden; Right Worshipful Dr. Marlon Honeywell, 33°, Junior Grand Warden; Right Worshipful Tommie Wright, Grand Secretary, 33°, and Right Worshipful Melvin Wright, 33°, Grand Treasurer, grant a full charter to Thurgood Marshall Lodge #121 of Wellington, FL. as a reward for their consistent efforts in the jurisdiction.

Now a full-fledged masonic lodge, Thurgood Marshall #121 looks forward to progressing within the city.

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Junior Warden

Brother Alan Bottorff

I N A U G U R A L C L A S S:

The Class of Manoah 2022

Brother Dr. Brian Coleman, MD


Brother Darnell Gardener

Brother M. Foreman


Brother B. Harper


Brother V. Locke


Brother J. Stewart

 Brother P. Wilson 

Worshipful Master

Brother W. Matthew Stevenson, 33°

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